
Once upon a time I decided that building a robotic lawnmower is not a hard thing to do. Now, several years later, it is barely rolling under its own power, but I still keep the vision of the magnificient robot going through the grass, at all times perfectly aware of its own position.

The goal of the project has changed over the years, even though the name stayed the same. I no longer want it to mow the lawn, the current goal is to enter the Robotour competition in 2015 … and win, obviously.

This web should serve as a reminder for me when I’ll have one of those “And this was supposed to work how exactly?” moments, and as a quick overview of the robot for other people. I will try to keep these information up to date, but there will surely always be something incorrect and missing.

The robot’s source code, schematics and all other stuff is hosted on github, my mail address is blue dot cube at seznam dot cz. In the remote chance that anyone wants to follow the progress of this robot, you can use the github atom feed for this site to watch for updates :-).

How it looks now